Betterment for family members and to become a quality leader

For the mercy of parents

Before starting a journey

For the advancement in knowledge

Prophet Noah(عليه السلام)’s Dua; Protection in duas which are not suitable for us or acceptable to Allah سبحانه وتعالى

Prophet Eisa(عليه السلام)’s Dua; Seeking provisions/sustenance

Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام)’s Dua; For the wisdom and right companions

Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام)’s Dua; Comprehensive Dua, Obedient to Allah سبحانه وتعالى for self and for family members, For the success to all believers in the world hereafter

Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) & Ismaeel (عليه السلام)’s Dua; For the acceptance of services/amal and seeking mercy

Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام)’s Dua; Requesting for a pious boy