5 of 10 related verses
32 : 7
English:Mohsin Khan & Halali
Who made everything He has created good, and He began the creation of man from clay.
View Contextالَّذِي أَحْسَنَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ ۖ وَبَدَأَ خَلْقَ الْإِنسَانِ مِن طِينٍ
32 : 8
English:Mohsin Khan & Halali
Then He made his offspring from semen of worthless water (male and female sexual discharge).
View Contextثُمَّ جَعَلَ نَسْلَهُ مِن سُلَالَةٍ مِّن مَّاءٍ مَّهِينٍ