Scenes of the paradise

The paradise is the ultimate residence of the people who will be considered successful on the Day of Judgement. There is no comparison between the bounties of this world and those in the paradise which will be forever and lasting. The foods, drinks, dresses and life-style of the inhabitants of the paradise has been described in the Holy Quran at various places so that the believers would readily sacrifice the temporary bounties of this world to fulfil the orders of Allah سبحانه وتعالى in the performance of the religious duties. Paradise is a peaceful place and all its inhabitants will be contented with no envy or animosity among them. Above all the other rewards, the best gift granted in the paradise is the eternal pleasure of our creator Allah سبحانه وتعالى. The Holy Quran declares it as the ultimate triumph. May Allah سبحانه وتعالى grant us all His pleasure and entrance to the paradise.